FAQ Group: PC


Can you add X gun or armor, please?

If we can find and/or afford legal assets for it, then maybe. With a few exceptions, around the year 1950 is our cut-off point for “modern”.

If you have any weapon/armor suggestions, feel free to ask about them in our Discord in the #questions-and-answers channel. However, odds are we already have plans to add it.

Can you split the armor off into its own mod?

We’ve actually already done this! You can find the armor package here, named Modern ArmorsDownloads

Note: The armor package is heavily WIP. Updates to the armor package will be slow going as armor/clothing is much harder to do than weapons are, and we only have one team member currently working on it. The armor package currently is just the armors from 2.5-1.4 split off into its own mod. It does not require MF. It is entirely standalone.

Note 2: If you would like to help us out with armor, head over to our Discord and ask us about it in the #questions-and-answers channel.

Can you please make a compatibility patch for X mod & MF?

No. We have too much work on our hands as it is updating and maintaining MF/MA. If you’d like to see a compatibility patch made between X mod and MF/MA, please contact the Mod Author of the mod and ask if they can make a compatibility patch. Or, you can make a patch yourself, if you know how to.

If you choose to make a patch and plan to publish it publicly, we STRONGLY REQUEST that you follow our Patch Policy.

The camos aren’t working on some armor/clothing. Did I install the mod wrong?

No. It’s a well-known issue that we are slowly working on fixing, but it is a painstakingly slow and tedious process.

Limb Armor (Arms and Legs) camos showing as missing/pink/purple textures is an issue within the mod itself. Not user error. Only the base colors work for the Limb Armors currently.

DTO Vest, all 3 Holsters, and the BDU camos should work fine though with the exception of the DTO Vest CADPAT Arid not working.

Will you support Fallout 4 VR?

No. None of the Devs have the money or equipment to test it.

Even if we had the equipment/could afford the equipment, we still wouldn’t support it because it would be a lot of time and resources we do not have.

We have no interest in supporting VR at any point.

Will you port MF to Fallout 76 if it gets mod support?

NO. As things currently are, it appears Fallout 76 will never receive mod support. IF Fallout 76 ever does receive mod support, we will not support it.

The full answer/reason from the Lead Dev of the MF Team is far too vehement and expletive-laden to be even remotely appropriate.

This mod sucks! It’s so big, there’s so many bugs, the textures are crappy, all the animations are broken, and just f*** you!

We’re sorry that you feel that way. However, you must realize that with a mod this large, there is bound to be a ton of bugs that are easily missed in a mass amount of code and files. No matter how amazing of a modder you are, you will miss things.

Re: Mod/File Size. The mod size is actually incredibly small for all of the content we have. If you think 1-2 GBs is big and you still want us to add high-res textures? Then you have no true grasp on the concept of “big”. Additionally, a decent chunk of space is eaten up by animations too. The ‘AnimTextData’ alone weighs in around 240 MBs. That is ONE FIFTH (1/5) OF THE FILE SIZE alone. Such is the cost of having entirely custom anims or anims decent enough to fit the guns until dedicated anims come along. And that will only continue to grow larger.

Re: Animations. These will probably always need improvement in some aspect, simply due to the sheer variety of content in the mod. So unless you know of an existing animation set from another Fallout 4 mod that we might be able to use for a given weapon, please don’t bother complaining. We know some things are weird, “broken”, or flat-out wrong, but it’s what we have to work with for now. Additionally, there are very few animators in the community right now. We have reached out to all of them for help with rigging anims, but so far, all of them (Aside from Fiddler Green) have declined to help us directly as they’re busy with other projects. Thankfully, a few users of the mod have stepped up and are helping us out anim-wise. But we still have perms from some of the bigger names in the field to use their work. Not to mention, at the time of implementation of certain weapons (i.e shotguns), proper anims literally didn’t exist.

Re: Texture quality & size. Again, something that will likely always need improvement simply due to how much stuff is in the mod. Not everything can be super-fancy 4K res, hyper-realistic detail, especially not if you want to keep file size anywhere close to reasonable. Just as an example, our new MP5A2 has 4K textures – specifically 4096×2048 resolution. Just for that one gun, textures alone account for nearly 20 megabytes of space. Now double that for the MP5A5, that’s 40 megabytes of space. Factor in all of the accessories (the MP5 SD barrel and mounting rails) and we’re looking at roughly 62 megabytes of space for two guns worth of texture sets. And the recently re-added M2HB accounted for that much by itself before being resized to 2K res from the original 4K. We keep textures low quality (2K, 1K, and even sometimes 512) to keep the mod size down. We do this not only to support Xbox One, but also because we realize some users have data caps on their internet, and downloading a 10 or 20 Gigabyte mod would not be possible for them.

As with all large and good things, as time progresses, things will get better. 2.6 is already a massive leap forward in quality, with improved meshes, textures, anims, sounds, etc. We hope you rethink your opinion of our mod and stick around for future updates as the mod can only get better.

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