Become a Supporter

If you want to support what we do, you can. While the mod itself is, and always will be, free to download and use for anyone, every cent helps us. Even if it is just to go and grab a fresh cup of coffee to keep us going.

All donations are strictly voluntary. All donations received will be used at the developer’s discretion and may not directly benefit the mod. Donations are just simply a way to show us thanks for our hard work.


This is simply a way to say “Thank you for the mods.” and support him for all the hard work he’s put into the mods he’s worked on.


Website Upkeep

Any donations here will go directly into the upkeep of our website. We want to keep the website ad-free and tracker-free, and while we can manage that, your support in this area is greatly appreciated.



All donations here will go directly to supporting LegacySlayer and his modding.



Donations will mainly go into keeping her computer up, so she can continue on her camouflage textures.